For as long as she can remember, Khadra has always had Teyta and vice versa. They are cousins, you see and they were born in the same year, 2003. Teyta being my elder sister's daughter.
Enter Harissa in the year 2007. Point of contact? Beaconhouse Bangsar, class Irises 1. The three of them loves to sing, to dance, talk-non-stop, looking pretty, putting on makeup, manicures and the like.
It is no wonder that the three of them got on well together and their friendship has been elevated to BFF status. They do most everything together and are always there for each other. Take December 2009 for example, here's a list of things/events that they have attended / gone to together.
- Sleepover for the Graduates
As part of their graduation (after kindy, je) , the mommies (well, mostly Ziezi and Fiza) arranged for a sleepover party at PNB Derby Park for the three princesses. The agenda was really shallow; basically just fun, fun, fun. There were singing, dancing, makeup sessions, menicure and nail arts, more make up sessions, makan-makan, performance time, swimming and more makan-makan. Needless to say the girls enjoyed theselves tremendously.
Here's their take on "Party in the USA" by who else but their idol si Miley Cyrus.
- HSM: Summer Celebrations
The HSM crew was in town, so we made an outing for the girls of the house to KLCC for the show. (This time, even Khaleeda and Neyna was invited) The three came in their high school best and to add on to the excitement, Ziezi (as usual) even brought the pom-poms and the feather boa.

- Princess & The Frog Party
Teyta celebrated her advanced birthday at the movies, so the kids were invited for a Princess and the Frog party. They came in their princessy costumes to watch the movie.

Here's to BFFs that last forever.. (Well, at least for another 6 years)
-dillz blogging out-