We renewed Parmi's work permit at Kompleks PKNS, Shah Alam today. The process were pretty swift and we were actually done within 20 minutes. Good job there, Immigration! Very effective! However, that is not the main point of this entry..
Kompleks PKNS used to be the place where my then boyfriend and I spend a lot of time talking and getting to know about each other. Give us a break, we went to a college in Shah Alam and SACC was not opened yet then. There was this one spot on the yellow tembok in front of Maybank where we used to sit for aages after dinner, just talking. That was also the spot where I let him hold my hand for the first time. *cue Aaaaahh.. (so busuk, right?)*
hihihihihi.. Kompleks PKNS brought a smile to my face. So sweetlah ingat balik!
Picture from : here
-dillz blogging out-
amboi mengimbas la tu..hehehe shweet ingat dolu dolu
Ok Kompleks PKNS + Kak Dilla brings me to this memory di Deliqueen.. bila saya nak makan sandwich dgn cili sos Kak Dilla telah buat komen:
"Typical Msian, semua benda nak makan dgn sos cili"..
Lepas tu ada orang telah offended. ;)
Kena tulis ni gak sbb memori ni macam terlekat sgt especially ayat "typical msian" tu...
cerita cinta remaja, beb.. :)
aaahhhh....now baru lah aku tau mana spot nko kak :)
~cik ros
OMG, Deliqueen - i remember that place! Tempat tu dah tak wujud, I think..
Sorry lah cik adik, mulut ku memang kurang coverage insurancenya. Jangan lah ambik hati, cik adik. Dah tua-tua dah ni..hihihihihihi
cik ros,
malu-lah.. hihihihihi
p/s: jodoh, ke tak jodoh kita post at the same time, babe! ;)
seriously kak. saya mmg teruja mmg jodoh segala jodoh lah ni :)
~cik ros
cik ros,
for old time's sake, we should have one of the gatherings kat kompleks pkns one of these days.. hihihihi
picnic bentang saprah kat tasik shah alam pun ok jugak kak :)
jom la buat before puasa. kene buat utk geng tekbes nih.
restoren tasik shah alam pun idea yg menarik.
~cik ros
haaa.. kantoi!!!
first pegang tangan kat situ ek? :P :P
btw, hi kakkk :)
syed pon penah citer his memories sewaktu di pkns dengan akak.
citer pasal makan kat kedai mana ntah saya lupa dah ;)
-matun lagi :P-
cik ros,
alamak... bentang saprah je ke? ingat zaman dolu-dolu bercanda tepi tasik shah alam with my sisters as chaperone. hahahaha.. bodho betul!
hi babe!!!
hihihi.. zaman tu saya lagi takut kat Mak Guard si Mak Bai tu.. hahahaha
Tu mesti si deliqueen yang si k-lynn cerita tu lah.. Mana lagi... Kalau tak kitorang pergi kfc, mc donalds je.. ;)
Say hi to your hubby for me..
Now PKNS is the place to go to buy baju raya for the bibik during puasa month...hehehe. Kira alright ah dating kat PKNS. Dulu along dating kat perpustakaan jer...hahahah, perpustakaan melaka lak tu. Alahai...kelakar bila ingatkan.
kak dilla....
"Aaaawwwwww" jugak. :)
Saya selalu gak pergi shah alam for baju raya - maleh nak beramai-ramai kat Jalan TAR tu..
Sekarang pergi SACC maaa... :)
jangan la.. malu la...
wahh jiwang la tu :P
saya ingat penah tag along u mkn at deliqueen (yea me too!) dulu2.
the deliqueen gang needs a reunion, lah!!! ;)
Mak Bai? Ah tidakkkkkkkkkkkk :)
Yes, mak bai!!! Jaga-jaga kena saman, ya..
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