I forgot that 2012 was showing last week. It didn't even register in my overworked brain until my other half mentioned a possible Gold Class treat for it. (Seeing that it was about 2 hours and 45 minutes long) Ya, kami kiasu.. nak Gold Class mestilah berbaloi dari segi mutu cerita dan how long the movie is! Seems like this particular movie fits the bill to the tee... :)

Lemme tell you that it was worth it!!! Serious!!!
All this while, I have always been let down by apocalypse / dooms day type movies coz we never actually get to see the destruction/ chaos after. In 2012, however, every single bumi kena telan tanah, tsu-Mawi (OK, sorry, bad joke) , rapturing and burning buildings were shown its all itsglory gory. CGI was unbelievably amazing! There is also a few subplots of human stories in it which made it even more watchable.
Kesimpulannya, saya suka and if you get the chance, GO SEE!
All this while, I have always been let down by apocalypse / dooms day type movies coz we never actually get to see the destruction/ chaos after. In 2012, however, every single bumi kena telan tanah, tsu-Mawi (OK, sorry, bad joke) , rapturing and burning buildings were shown its all its
Kesimpulannya, saya suka and if you get the chance, GO SEE!
-dillz blogging out-
i dah tgk cerita nie dgn my wife.. memang best. Ingat dah x dapat tengok sbb panggung penuh. Dapat tiket pun utk midnight (12.30pm). Tu pun barisan hadapan sekali.
my blog:
Saya pun suka. dpt tgk special screening lagi..http://kembaralensaku.blogspot.com/2009/11/2012-special-screening.html
Tp certain plot ada yg lemah, ingatkan cite2 Melayu jek.. Kesimpulannya, sebab bajet besar,diaorang dpt buat main plot disaster yg mantap dgn bantuan CGI. So dptlah cover mana2 plot yg lemah tu.
My verdict - oso must see movie. Tp kene bajet masa sebab cite amat panjang, nanti terbabas, terlupa tanggungjawab utk yg SATU tu...
tu lah pasal.. asal nak booking je mesti penuh. we all kena booking awal, like 3 days in advance baru dapat tempat. tapi berbaloi..
Wah! Dapat special screening tu.. Bestnya!!!
Lama gillos movie tu.. Elok tengok midnite je senang.. :)
kak full book la tensionnnnnnnn...hope next week la dpt tgk
ala siannya dia.. try lagi la dik oii! Serious berbaloi giller! :)
My son dah confuse pasal 2012 movie ni. Kawan-kawan dia kata 2012 is the end of the world. So, sekarang ni dia selalu kat taknak plan for anything in 2013 becoz the world ends in 2012. Susah jugak nak explain kat budak-budak ni...
Camna nak jawab ni? Tulunnnn..
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