What a pleasant surprise.
The exclusive lunch talk invitation with the GCEO included a certificate presentation - plaque (and cash?) allin. Thing is i completed my Masters way back in 2006. Ingatkan memang dah tak dapat dah. So, this was unexpected and pleasant indeed.
I'll update later. Nak dengar welcoming speech sat. :)
The exclusive lunch talk invitation with the GCEO included a certificate presentation - plaque (and cash?) allin. Thing is i completed my Masters way back in 2006. Ingatkan memang dah tak dapat dah. So, this was unexpected and pleasant indeed.
I'll update later. Nak dengar welcoming speech sat. :)
No cash this time around, but I was in the news smiling away.. Wu-hu!

so cool kakak!!
Part 2 after dpt cert is a talk by dato' and q&a pulak. Tak habis lagi ni.. :)
snap gambo kakkkkk...WOWWWWWWWWW
Jeles ni.. aku ada can dpt cash juga tak? hehehe..
malu nak snap gambar.. nanti saya upload paper cutting itew...
tak de rezeki lah tahun ni.. dapat cert dengan pewter frame je.
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