Road To CIA series | 1:I've Committed! | 2: ... and they lived happily ever after (Part 1) | 3: Another Step Closer| 4: Let's Try This Again| 5: Miss Procrastinator Strikes Again | 6: It's Crunch Time |
Tomorrow is 22nd January 2010. I am "supposed" to sit for my CIA Part 11 at 10:45am.
Oh, not anymore, I'm not!
huhuhuhuhuhuhu *Antara nak menangis and ketawa -
-dillz blogging out-
tengok sapa champion, Miss ke Mr Procrastinator.. hehe.. nasib la aku dah lepas...
sure aku menang punya. mamat procrastinator ada dua papers to finish by that date. hihihihihihi
saya punya deadline in june, so i can keep on postponing till then! hihihihihi
Dah dah pi study..:)
Insya allah..
pi study la weih! get it over and done with. lepas tu kau boleh put it aside for life.
tu la... i have been lugging the book around since last december. asyik adaaaaaa je benda lain nak kena focus! :)~~
nak kena carik masa - no matter what. i know i have to.
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