Sunday, June 07, 2009

Panas.. Panas.. Panas..

Mengapakah panas benar hari ini? I am practically sweating as I type this. Khaleeda is literally drenched in her own sweat - her hair looks as if she was part of the SoulGlo ad in Eddie Murphy's Coming to America. Minus the curly locks, of course. (Picture credit: here)

Panas keliling ni coupled with my mensus are the main contributors to my fuse yang agak short malam ni. We are currently in Puchong- layan budak-budak main dengan cousin mazen diorang. They are happy even though every single one is sweating like a pig. haha! Mak Ngah yang tension; nangis sorang--sorang dalam hati (am exaggerating) ; sorang nangis, sorang jerit, dua orang gaduh, jerit-jerit, semua sekali nangis.. Arrrgh!!!!

Tolong!! Saya nak balik rumah, nak mandi.. Panas.. Panas.. Hati dan body..

Oh.. Tak pasang kipas, rupanya.. Woops!

-dillz blogging out-


ms ngantuk said...

haha funny. i am picturing yer daughter mcm that soulglo pic. klakar gila babs!

dillazag said...

Kesian dia kan? She got that from the father. I don't sweat like them. So unbecoming...