Monday, 15th June 2009 a.k.a. Day 1
I was reminded by my precious girl that I owe her a small party in school. Nothing extravagant, just to celebrate her 6th birthday with her friends seeing that we've opted to sit out on the birthday bash this year. Aaah... Now, I remember... I also remembered that I promised that there'll be cupcakes with Sonic Underground theme and also party packs for her classmates. So, I said. Okay, we'll have it this week. Seeing that I already took leave Wednesday and Thursday, and Azrul will be leaving for Jakarta on Wednesday, it seems that the only day we could do it was on Wednesday and it was TWO days away!
The following task list was developed and executed on Day 1:
- Called up Beaconhouse to get the go-ahead and number of pax - Seemed that Wednesday was A-OK! at 10:30am, no of pax for Khadra's class: 9 girls and 7 boys, add 2 more BFFs from the other class & for Khaleeq's class: 7 girls & 5 boys. (Kakak punya party, adik punya class pun dapat party packs)
- Called up Ziezi, party planner extraordinaire to help me out on the party packs. She confirmed she has the premiums - 20 Ben-10 pencil cases for the boys and 20 Hannah Montana pencil cases for girls. But, I had to source the tidbits and small party favours myself. No worries, a quick trip to Village Grocer and Baloon Bouquet should sort that out.
- Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes.. No one in the right mind would take an order this late, with Sonic Underground somemore... *Sheesh* But, as luck would have it, I chanced upon Edina's adorablecupcakes and she was willing! (Try clicking on the image below and you will also be transported to her page!) Thank you, babe. You're a real gem! She's a Srikandi too, btw. I just had to pick them up at UniSel on Wednesday morning, before the party. :)

More panic, panic, panic. I still had to go to work. Things still to do:

- Arranged for pick-up of premiums and party bag from Ziezi.
- Confirmed cupcake reservation thru e-mail.
- Off to Balloon Bouquet after work to get the extra-special "6-year old" candles and some party favours.
- To Village Grocer to get the snacks to stuff into the party packs; candies, Chupa Chups lollies, biscuits, Zip strawberry wafers, Daim candies..
- Started production lineup for party packs ; inducted Khadra and Parmi as operators. :) (Khaleeda pun nak tolong makan lollies)
Wednesday, 17th June 2009 a.k.a Party Day
Arranged logistics with other half to sort out kids and cuppies collection. Edina really went out of her way with the cuppies deco. There was a Sonic character on every cuppies and even the boxes were decorated with Sonic theme! Thanks so much, sweets!
Met up at Beaconhouse at 10:30am sharp for party.

The kids were literally pigging out on the cuppies. Yummy vanilla oreo! Nasib baik I ordered a lot of extras! Really wanted to do some face paints , but there wasn't enough time since we were actually pinching their snacktime. The main agenda was the Birthday sing song & candle blowing, makan cupcake and bagi party packs. Senang jugak buat birthday kat sekolah ni, tak payah pikir pasal makanan. :) By 11am, we were done! Yeay!
I'm glad all the preparation was well worth it. So, Happy Birthday (again) Khadra! We hope you enjoyed it!
-dillz blogging out-
R there any links to Village Grocer and Balloon Bouquet? I'm thinking for Dina's birthday to just do it at her Smart Reader school too, like u said, senang sket. But then last year her sister got a full blown princess party, rasa macam berat sebelah le plak..hmm..tengok la camne.
Happy birthday khadra! Mcm sedap je cupcakes tu..
Got this from the online yellowpages:
Semua details dia ada kat situ. :)
Village Grocer ni just another grocery je.. A little like Cold Storage, this one is in my usual hangout - bangsar village
memang sedap beb.. mak dia je dapat makan satu sebab budak-budak dah habis rembat! ;)
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