Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Merdeka ! Merdeka !
Tetaplah merdeka
Ia pasti menjadi sejarah
Tanggal 31
Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Hari yang mulia
Hari bahagia
Sambut dengan jiwa yang merdeka
Mari kita seluruh warga negara
Ramai-ramai menyambut hari merdeka
Merdeka !
Tiga satu bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Hari mulia negaraku merdeka
Merdeka !
Merdeka !
Merdeka !
-bak kata Allahyarham Sudirman Hj Arshad in 31 ogos
Wah.. Semangat pullok dia nak merdeka. Thanks to the National Day falling on a Monday, workers and schoolchildren across the nation enjoy a three-day weekend. :) Unfortunately, for most of us I really think that's all there is to it. Which translates the situation, at least in my books, as really sad.
Why do I say that? Well, for one, remember this?
Why do I say that? Well, for one, remember this?

Our very own Malaysian flag a.k.a the Jalur Gemilang. Is it just me or are there really very little flags proudly adorning our homes and office buildings these days despite the fact that our nation is celebrating the 52nd year of Independence tomorrow? As of now pun, my mom's house in Pondok Azlul has yet to put up our national flag. Feeling bad, yesterday, my mom bought 2 flag lines from Giant - itupun tak tau mana nak letak lagi. I am also guilty for this. I have left my very own Jalur Gemilang and the TM's Spot-the-Merdeka campaign car sticker on my office-table. Macam tak kisah je. By the time I get back to work, our 52nd independence day would have already passed, and life would just go on as per normal.
Looking back, it was pretty more "happening" during my high school years. I remember looking at my schoolmates skintone turning darker and darker by the day during their practice and rehearsals for the National Day celebrations at Stadium Larkin. (There was this one time when the national celebrations were in Johor Bahru) - I tak masuk, puteri lilin, you.. hihihihi It was hardwork all the way, but many gained new girl and boy friends out of the experience. Amboi, sempat aje. ;) My mom, on the other hand, was actually one of the school kids performing group traditional dance at Stadium Negara on the day of Merdeka way back in 1957. *Serious. Bangga aku!* My dad pulak marched in the National parade every year as he headed the Tenaga Nasional Berhad contigent right up till he retired. *real semangat, right?*
However, I think there is still hope in store. The kids at school made a Merdeka hat each and here's Khaleeq proudly donning it with his laungan "Merdi-cart! Merdi-cart! Merdi-cart!" :)
Happy Merdeka, guys! If nothing else, do have a good rest.

-dillz blogging out-
Selamat Hari Merdeka~~
hey yolkie,
Happy merdeka to you too. :)
amboi mummy dia memerdekan jiwa budak2 ni..1 malaysia wannabe..hehe..happy merdeka day
bak kata khaleeq: Merdi-cart! Merdi-cart!
Have a great Merdeka Day to you too, miss Mimy.. ;)
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