Not a toilet roll, but a whole collection of interesting blogs (and more) that I frequently check out!
For now, (this might change in the future) I have called it:
Dillz's List of Blog-errific Sites
In my attempt to de-clutter , I decided to shift out all my links to a new home where they get all the space that they need. I'm thinking of reviews on the heavenly blogshops that I've personally bought stuff from (the new hair clips comes to mind! hihihihi) and share with you blogs that I find interesting in this big bad blogosphere.
Banyak jugak links that I have so far.. I am slowly transferring it over to their new home and as and when they are completed, the old links will miraculously disappear from this one. The site of course is a Work-In-Progress, I shall be enhancing the flow and features as we go along. bear with me, eh?
Banyak jugak links that I have so far.. I am slowly transferring it over to their new home and as and when they are completed, the old links will miraculously disappear from this one. The site of course is a Work-In-Progress, I shall be enhancing the flow and features as we go along. bear with me, eh?
To ease your navigation and mine, I have a special link on the sidebar too. Click on it, babe, you know you want to.. ;)

-dillz blogging out-
wink wink...welcome a new link
tiru awak lah ni.. :)
'berkemas' sebelum raya :)
Kalau ikut hati, nak aje pasang "langsir" baru.. hihihihihi
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