Remember our delayed flight from Jakarta the other day that caused such drama? Good thing about it was that we purchased travel insurance which covered any events of delays, lost baggage and such. Tersangatlah malas nak buat paperwork, but I was told we would be compensated RM250 per head for any delays above 8 hours. Since our flight was scheduled at 6:30pm but we departed at 5:00am the next day, we were certainly eligible to claim.
If you ever get caught in the same condition as us, and would like to claim for delayed flights from MHInsure, here's how:
1. Email Malaysia Airlines to get a letter confirming the flight delay and its cause. This is easy, just go to their website at Click on the link : Contact Us and fill up their Fill up our Customer Feedback Form now. Just detail out your request here and you will be contacted by a MAS staff. I had a good experience with mine, she was very helpful and even entertained any customization I needed, it was real easy! Thank you Miss Radhiyah Omar. :)
2. Go to: Booking & Info -> Travel Services -> MHInsure and download the Claim Form

3. Fill up the Claim Form completely.
For delayed flights, fill up the GENERAL SECTION (To be completed for ALL claims), Section C. TRAVEL OR BAGGAGE DELAY / OVERBOOKED FLIGHT / FLIGHT MISCONNECTION and CLAIM PAYMENT AND DECLARATION (To be completed for ALL claims)
4. Get the other necessary documentations for the claims process. In this case, you would need:
- Original completed claim form
- Original travel itinerary
- Copies of front page of passport / the page indicating entry and exit stamp to the country of destination
- Original Boarding passes / Air tickets
- Original Certificate of Insurance
- Written confirmation from carrier on the duration and reason for delay (This is the one you wrote to MAS for earlier)
- Original receipts in respect of hotel accommodation and meals (I didn't have this coz we were put up in a hotel by MAS)
- Original receipts of essential purchases (I didn't have this)
- Documents stating amount of compensation from airlines or other sources (I diodn't have this)
MHinsure Claims
Level 14, Tower B, Dataran Maybank
No. 1 Jalan Maarof, 59000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Don't forget to photocopy everything and keep the duplicate. Just in case the documents gotlost in the mail.
6. After a few days, follow up and call the MHInsure Emergency Assistance & Claims Handling to make sure they already got your claims' forms.
Number to call: +(60) 3 6207 4115 (reverse charge call from overseas), or at 1800 806 377 for our toll-free hotline within Malaysia. Lines are open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. You can also email:
7. Wait for your Duit Raya. Ours are already on the way. hihihihihihihi-dillz blogging out-