Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What I did on Toos-day

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009
Patience My Love, Patience...

Friday, April 24, 2009
Mari Cakap Bera
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
DZ's Update 2
Salam. Khabar terbaru tasha: Dr azian pakar tulang kata kaki tasha so far ok kalau die x bnyk gerak n blh sembuh cepat. Pastu kalau dah ok n blh duduk maybe xperlu duk wad icu lg. Iskandar dah discj semalam.Dzuliana.
Salam. Berkat doa dan semangat dari semua, alhamdulillah hari ini saya dah boleh discj. Tasha pula sudah ditukarkan ke wad biasa. terima kasih semua. Hanya Allah yang dpt membalasnya.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Not A-very-CUTE Tonsilitis
"Symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat (which may be experienced as referred pain to the ears), painful/difficult swallowing, crouch coughing, headache, fever and chills. Tonsillitis is characterized by signs of red, swollen tonsils which may have a purulent exudative coating of white patches (i.e. pus). There may be enlarged and tender neck cervical lymph nodes."

Picture from : wikipedia
Anyhoots, I was prescribed the following by the good doctor:
Friday, April 17, 2009
Lil E's coming to town!

Both Mrs E and Lil E has been discharged yesterday, so, come over to Pondok Azlul if you wanna visit.
Muah muah, kiddo. Mak Ngah will see you soon.. :*

Presenting baby Eusoff bin Mohd Eskandarian Mirza. And that's my strong not-so-little-anymore sister who didn't have an ounce of pain reliever in her to bring baby Eusoff into this world! So proud of you Mama Ewa... You are stronger than most of us!!! hihihihihi..

**Updated @2pm 17th April 2009
Snuck into the delivery suite to peep and see how Mrs E is doing. As evident in the picture below the allowed persons (i.e. Mother, husband and mother-in-law) were present to give Mrs E the support that she needs. Mr E was holding her hands throughout her contractions that came very frequently. I felt rather helpless not being able to do much whilst watching her enduring the pain. She is so strong, she is refusing any types of pain relief even when I left her just now.

Not in the picture though, as she is not supposed to be there, was Kira who also acted as the media person. She was busy taking pictures and setting up the web-cam for Ema who is sleeping over with Shikin (The S- of SLIMRED) and other SLIMRED-ers in Malaysia. She'll be my contact person as and when lil E pops out. So, back in the office for now.
Remember to breathe, dearest sister. You are doing so well.. In... and Out.... In.... and Out... It wouldn't be too long now..
(Laa ila ha illa anta, Subha naka inni kuntu minazzolimin.. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah labour adinda kami, Azlul Wadzihah..)
**Original post @ 9.00am, 17th April 2008
Meet Mr E and Mrs E.

-dillz blogging out-
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pening-Pening Lalat
This morning, I took my time getting ready but obligingly I trotted off to work. Had my nasi lemak and gobbled up yet 2 more paracetamols and a Vitamin C pill. Feeling slightly better. Alhamdulillah.. Feeling good enough to go out to McDonalds for lunch and have my RM5.95 meal. hihihihi..
Insya Allah.. Will keep on thinking positive and hopefully I'll be better in no time at all..
-dillz blogging out-
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Girl Named Khaleeda

In my spare time, I normally watch the idiot box. Whether it is the PlayHouse Disney Channel, Nick Jr or even the numerous VCDs and DVDs that are scattered all over my siblings' room. My personal favourites are Barney (No prizes for guessing this one) and Dora the Explorer and I just looove to groove to the music with Hi-5.
I can say a few words quite clearly now. You know.. The normal stuff for survival like; Hi, Bye, No, Two (just two, and not the other numbers yet), Tey (for t*t*k) and Shoo (for Susu). Other times, I just point or shout or knock or tap or cry. The crying does the trick most of the time...
I can also perform my solat. Well, almost.. Mengapa? Tak percaya ke? Have a look then..
When I get sick, I don't like to be left alone. I get cranky and I want my mommy to cuddle me close all the time. She said that she had to stand and cuddle me while I sleep. She claimed that it wasn't until 3.30am that she could finally sit and put me down. That's what she said, I couldn't verify as I was already asleep by then.
Point is, I want to get better and I want to be able to sing and dance to Barney and Hi-5 very soon. Please pray that I do. In the meantime, I'll try to gobble the medications we got from the clinic yesterday.
Mommy says: I love you, Deeds.. Please get well soon.. Thank you, yang for staying with them when I can't... :(
-dillz blogging out-
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Counting Cash

TYI outlining the other sweet pleasures that come out of blogging apart from;
"- earning easy money from Nuffnang
(alhamdulillah, I manage to cash out RMXXX every month and
earned RMX,XXX from writing advertorials this month!),"
Tips number 11 from Hanis Zalikha's 14 Tips Menjadi Blogger Masyhur/Terkenal Seperti Saya
Untuk menjana pendapatan dari blog, sila daftarkan diri dengan Nuffnang di www.nuffnang.com.my, dan jikalau trafik anda memberangsangkan, anda sudah boleh mula diberi advertorial iaitu membuat product reviews dan dijemput ke produk launch etc!"

i love you kakak! :)

Thursday, April 09, 2009
Famous Famiglia

Sekian, Berita Nasional Basi Jam 6.
-dillz blogging out-
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
They're Back At It Again...

They are soo darn cute, don't you wish you could get one for yourself? Well, you can and it's Free-Of-Charge! Adakah teruja? Don't miss your chance this time and follow the instructions here. The deadline is early morning on the 16th April 2009 (MST). You'd better hurry up 'coz I've submitted mine already - along with my Jawa mandrem. (Ya, saya poyo dan berharap nak menang sekali lagi!)
-dillz blogging out-
Can You Tell Your God
Khadra: Mom, we need to be in school before 8am.
Mom: Yes, I know Khadra. You have your trip to the Zoo tomorrow.
Khadra: Can you come home early today so that we can sleep early.
(By early, she meant before the day gets dark)
Mom: Yes, Khadra.
Khadra: Can you tell your God, I mean, your Boss that?
Mom: Hmm.. I will..
Adakah God = Boss??
*Some deep reflecting needed right about now*
-dillz blogging out-
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
DZ's Update
I am a little overwhelmed by the response and hits that I got due to my previous post. Firstly , for those who were seeking news and reliable sources on the DZ's sister, Ms Dzulita Md Sakan; here's an extract from our HR division regarding her.

Sunday, April 05, 2009
Red Alert: Prayers Needed..
DZ's Update series: | Red Alert:Prayers needed | DZ's Update | DZ's Update 2 |
An unfortunate accident has just happened to a dear friend of mine and her family. The person in question is Dzuliana Md Sakan, whom we fondly call DZ, my friend from STF, SPM Year 1992. (Block A, band girl)
(Disclaimer: This will be the encounter as I gathered it. The details maybe a little out, though.)
What had happened? DZ and her family lives in Jakarta and touched down around 10am Saturday morning at KLIA. Her sister, Dzulita Md Sakan, insisted to come and fetch their family from the airport. Two cars convoyed from the airport back to their house in Sungai Buloh. Car 1 - Naza Ria, driven by Dzuliati; co-driver : DZ's brother's fiance (The fiance), Second row passengers: Tasha - DZ's 7 year old daughter (right hand side), DZ & her 5 year old son Iskandar (left hand side) and third row passenger: The Bibik. Car 2- X-Trail, driven by DZ's husband ;Azmarin and co driver :DZ's brother.
They were driving along on NKVE and around the Subang Jaya interchange the X-Trail overtook the Naza Ria. Azmarin related that after he reached the Sungai Buloh interchange, he received a call from DZ that the Naza Ria was involved in an accident and he was to hurry back to the accident scene.
Fortunately / Unfortunately; DZ was awake and aware of the whole ordeal. She even saw the 20-tonne lorry coming from the other direction hitting the divider and flying towards their vehicle that was on the left-most lane. The lorry actually flew across 3 lanes of traffic to hit them on the driver's side. At the point of impact, DZ could only hold Iskandar very very close and tight , while fearing for their lives. She related that 3 of the passengers were unconcious, her sister, Dzulita who she suspected died on the scene, The fiance and her daughter Tasha. Good samaritans came over to break the windows as the doors were already jammed. Though hurt in the accident, the boy Iskandar was taken out first, followed by the Bibik and then, DZ. She told us that she remembered to recite the Syahadah by each one of the unconcious ones before she left the car.
By the time the first car arrived at the scene, they were extracting the unconcious ones from the car. The first ambulance carried Dzulita, Tasha and the fiance to PPMU and Azmarin followed suit. Iskandar was taken by a good samaritan to Hospital Sungai Buloh. The second ambulance took DZ and the bibik also to Hospital Sungai Buloh.
We (Mira, her hubby and mom; Lily and Amar) came over to Hospital Sungai Buloh this morning to give DZ some moral support. She broke her right leg and shattered her patela and was scheduled for an operation today. She was not in her best condition as she could still see the image of the lorry flying over to their car and still not over the demise of her sister. Even the morphine could not help her sleep. Iskandar is being treated in the peadiatric ward upstairs whereby he's suspected to have some concussion in his head. It was fortunate that Azmarin's family lives in Sugai Buloh and his sisters have been taking turns keeping Iskandar company. The bibik had some fractures on her ribs. The fiance broke her hand and has been concious since this morning. Tasha is still in ICU due to some clotting in her head and has been induced into a coma. Tasha and the fiance are still in PPMU.
Please say a prayer for DZ and her family; for their speedy recovery, for the strength to go though this trying times, for the resilience and courage for Azmarin to be everywhere at the same time.
To anyone who is in Hospital Sungai Buloh, please take good care of my dear friend DZ at Katil 14, Ward 5D and his son Iskandar at Katil 11, Ward 8C. Doctors in PPMU, please give lovely little Tasha who is in Peadiatrik 1, Tower Timur the extra attention and tender loving care as her mom is not able to be near her during this critical period.
There will be a tahlil conducted in Level 51, Menara TM for Allahyarhamah Dzulita at 8:15am tomorrow morning. Please recite Al-Fatihah for her.
-dillz blogging out-
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
A'ah, Annoying.. Annoying!!
To cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome, often repeated acts.
Archaic To harass or disturb by repeated attacks.
These verbs mean to disturb or trouble a person, evoking moderate anger.