My fifth sister, Ewa has 6 best friends from her secondary school days in Sri Aman. Shikin, Liyana, Izati, Munz, Raff, (Ewa) and Deena. And they call themselves the S.L.I.M.R.E.D. (You know what they say about names, right? Your name is actually a doa. So, doa kena bagus-bagus.. Slim, aje..)
Personally, they have a loong history with me. You see, during their adolescent years, I happened to be that elder sister with the legal driver's licence and car who could drive them around attending parties and such. I was their 'kaki'! Sometimes, I'd have to have my date with Azrul in between sending them everywhere. Not forgetting the fact that I actually tutored this lot in some of the subjects for SPM. So, through the screaming and yelling while class was in session, we bonded. ;) Since then, these people have always been in my life, even up till now. I remember taking them out to Sate Kajang Samuri in Bangi when I got my first paycheck. They were present during my wedding, my children's birth, birthdays and Hari Raya gatherings...
Personally, they have a loong history with me. You see, during their adolescent years, I happened to be that elder sister with the legal driver's licence and car who could drive them around attending parties and such. I was their 'kaki'! Sometimes, I'd have to have my date with Azrul in between sending them everywhere. Not forgetting the fact that I actually tutored this lot in some of the subjects for SPM. So, through the screaming and yelling while class was in session, we bonded. ;) Since then, these people have always been in my life, even up till now. I remember taking them out to Sate Kajang Samuri in Bangi when I got my first paycheck. They were present during my wedding, my children's birth, birthdays and Hari Raya gatherings...

They popped in Pantai Hillpark to visit Khaleeda on her 4th day. But, only S.L.I.M. came. Raff was in Melaka, she's a doctor, you know.. Ewa is still in Melbourne, finishing up her masters and Deena is in the UK. Soon, Shikin will be going off to the UK to do her ACCA, they will be left as L.I.M. Once Ewa comes home, they will be known as L.I.M.E. .. heh heh heh
Ever wondered how one can have so many best friends? I kinda had my own S.L.I.M.R.E.D clan when I was in Form 5 too. We were living far away from our family and in STF, I was very close to 7 others in my class: Fida, Mira, Linda Razali, Kynne, Fara, Nor and Fedzah. Some of them are still close to me up 'til now. For instance, Mira and Kynne are working with the same organization as I am, so we often have catch up sessions over coffee or food. Fida, a Dr now; Fara and Fedzah are staying in the Klang Valley area, so we do meet up when there's Hari Raya open houses or Srikandi events. Nor is still in Trengganu, working with the national O&G company and the last I heard Linda Razali is still in Penang, lecturing.
I don't think I could have survived my adolescent and adult years without my girlfriends. Growing up, we shared experiences, stories and tips on a wide spectrum of things; boys, working woes, housing loans and even breastfeeding.
Since then, I have made more great girlfriends along the way. After all, one can never have one too many of a great girlfriend!
-dillz blogging out-
Ever wondered how one can have so many best friends? I kinda had my own S.L.I.M.R.E.D clan when I was in Form 5 too. We were living far away from our family and in STF, I was very close to 7 others in my class: Fida, Mira, Linda Razali, Kynne, Fara, Nor and Fedzah. Some of them are still close to me up 'til now. For instance, Mira and Kynne are working with the same organization as I am, so we often have catch up sessions over coffee or food. Fida, a Dr now; Fara and Fedzah are staying in the Klang Valley area, so we do meet up when there's Hari Raya open houses or Srikandi events. Nor is still in Trengganu, working with the national O&G company and the last I heard Linda Razali is still in Penang, lecturing.
I don't think I could have survived my adolescent and adult years without my girlfriends. Growing up, we shared experiences, stories and tips on a wide spectrum of things; boys, working woes, housing loans and even breastfeeding.
Since then, I have made more great girlfriends along the way. After all, one can never have one too many of a great girlfriend!
-dillz blogging out-
Can't imagine how life would be without my girlfriends too!
oMg so sweeeeeeet pls kaNgs! hehe we so Love u sangat2!! hihi ingat tak zaman dulu kala...u had to melayan our karenah & we had to menahan ur tengking masa tuition... u & baz belanjaed us Satay...& byk lagi kan? They've been always there for me no matter what kak ngah... Ewa kat sini pun they still visit our family... how sweet kan? LOVE U MA BITCHES! hihi tu kire sweet tu bukan rude... haha~
Yup! Can't agree with you more, Dilla.
There are six of us from my batch in STF who are still keeping it strong, and we make a point to meet up at least once a month tak kira how busy we are. Our normal lepak sessions would normally be croaking @ RB with our Srikandas, leaving the kids with in-laws or bibiks masing-masing.
Wished I could say we are still slim like S.L.I.M.R.E.D.... but, our dreams...Hahaha!
Jazzy --> I know... Tell me about it.. You all lagi best sebab selalu pergi makan-makan tiap2 bulan.. Jealous, kay...
Ewa --> Your bitches, my bitches also.. Tak kira lagi bakal-bakal Makcik Demi yang dok usha my little Ashton tuh.. heh heh heh
Kak Shana --> Really? After all this while? Tabik la beb...
That's so sweettt kak ngah! i remember those outings sampai u n baz had to drive two cars cos there were too many of us to fit in one car. hahaha. so kesian.. Drp kena marah psl physics time spm (me n ewa esp) sampai dah tua ni kena marah "oi munz, he's my age!" takut oo!!! haha. Growing up watching u n baz, we all looked up to the both of u and we wanted to become like you, kan ews??!! We're so happy to c the both of you happy. Mak ai. mcm pjg sgt je comment ni? Haha. Sorry emo babe.
hmm..kalau dulu tlg kitaorg buat project english, bole tak skrg tlg w my workload? muahahaha. Love ya kngah!
Munz --> Oi tak tido lagi?
Korang pun sweet sampai tua ni.. Our Raju's outings, tukar-menukar DVDs, dapat duit rayas and most importantly for being there for us as we grow older and fatter.. Tak sweet ke tuh?
i got teary eyed reading this. thanks kak ngah for blogging us. muahaha. sesapa yg tak kenal tu, im the S in the SLIMRED gang. kakngah, remember University of Queen Edna (UNIQUE)? the prospectus turned out really good sampaikan our english teacher amek for sample utk tunjuk budak2 lain. heh heh heh
shik --> Aaahhh.. UNIQUE.. Kita siap pergi Putrajaya buat photo shoot prospectus tu, remember? I am poyo like that!heh heh heh
i so ingat that uni..hahah kita siap baring2 depan masjid Putrajaya tu cuz the rumput lawa and beratur kat the water cooler and buat2 minum.. haha semangat habis dowh! At that time, that area cam tak popular lagi... rasa cam jauh gile kan? haha semangat habis pls! and i remember.... we used our old fashioned digital camera yang gune floppy disk tu :P hahaha! advanced habih laa tu konon....:P
Ews --> Siap import Kira jadi student lagi tu.. Tukang ambik gambar cum director siapa lagi kalau bukan saya... wakakakakaka
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