My hubby's first sister's second daughter (ie, my niece) got married on the 15th of December 2007 and with the solemnization comes an instant nephew for us! :) The first wave of events were carried out in the bride's hometown in Tanah Merah, Kelantan amidst the rain.

The other half of the celebration was in Tanjung Karang, Selangor. The groom even cooked for the "makan beradab". Since there weren't much protocol involved, we invaded the meja pengantin and got to eat the really good stuff. Inclusive of the big, fat prawns and siakap masak 3 rasa deliciously prepared by the groom himself. Yummy!!!
Welcome to the clan, Zack! You can come and invade our kitchen anytime..
-dillz blogging out-
Sume main instant je ekk...I only have instant noodles in my menu..hehe...
Anyway Dilla, Happy New Year to you . And to start off your new year , I'm tagging you.Ahaks.Hope to see you at our next gathering next year, Insya Allah.
congrats kak ngah faznie ! :) semoga bahagia sentiasa ke akhir usia :)
K Spena --> Will consider the tag. Guwe malas betul jawab-jawab tag ni. It may well be my new resolution.. heh heh heh Happy New year to you too. (Maal Hijrah maa)
leymah --> Waaa.. long time no see la adek! :) tq tq tq *mak dia yang perasan*
ems --> cepat sikit habih blajar.. awak boleh kawin plak. heh heh heh
har har har har kelkar.... watched fetch and lecha2 too!!!! tak leh gelak kuat kuat nanti jiran terbangun!!!
Kak Aiz --> How blessed I am to have so many badut publics at home. heh heh heh
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