I noticed that of late, I have been receiving lots of unrelated, seemingly random comments which I had to delete one by one. Some were even written in Japanese or Korean. Hello? I don't even know how to read them. Some looked like an advertisement. Some were just random words strung together which eventually pointed to a link to a website. Have I been spammed?
See examples below:

OK. Sangat tak kelakar, tau!!!
So, I have resorted to Word Verification option such as below to limit the auto-spamming into my blog. Seeing that only humans can type the verification word, hopefully akan menjadilah.

Jangan serik comment ya.
-dillz blogging out-
'ailabiu' - haha so comel... ingatkan cakap arab tadi
KOG tak serik.:)
Ailabiu lah!
Tu maksudnya blog ko dh kira glamer la tu smpai org jepun/korea pun jeles, huhuhu...
Ye la tu...
Saya dah lama guna word verification tu kak sbb takmo ada spam. Kawan2 ada komplen la sket tapi lelama diaorg buat gak :)
tu la... tapi macam off-putting sikit utk orang comment, kan? dah la comment pun memang la sedia sedikit.. Lain la kalau aku ni Hanis Zalikha ke.. hihihihihihi:)
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