Was scouting around for a place to take the kids this year and I am intrigued by the buzz surrounding the Resorts World, Sentosa Singapore. Apparently, a few of their hotels are now open for stay since January 20th, 2010. There are 6 hotels available with their own demographic to serve:
Sounds like a dream.
However, this perfect room has to be the deal-sealer for our little family:
- Crockford Towers - by invitation-only all-suite hotel, complete with 24-hour butler services. Must be for the high rollers, yaww!
- Hotel Micheal - this hotel is a tribute to the American architect, Micheal Graves. Stepping into the hotel is described as entering into an art gallery. So, not so much for me, then.
- Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore - Laaa... hari tu kan baru pi yang Hard Rock Hotel , Penang punya. Rilek dulu la..
- Festive Hotel - In their own words, it is "perfect for families travelling with their kids"
- Equarius Hotel - suitable for nature lovers and families. It's location is close to the Equarius Water Park. Don't think this one is open yet though. The website says it's opening AFTER 2010, that could be 2011, 2012. Who's to say, eh?
- Spa Villas - Choose this one if you want to " you can wake up to the sounds of waves and the beckoning calls of dolphins". Whoaaa!!! It's targeted to the honeymooners, newly weds, those aiming for a lovey-dovey breaklah kot. As per Equarius Hotel above, this one opens AFTER 2010. ;)
Children-friendly amenities are key highlights, such as the assortment of candies at the reception that will put a smile on any kid’s face. Welcome novelty packs and tailored bathrobes are also catered specially for the little ones. For parents with babies, we offer cribs, baby food, wet wipes, nappies and bibs. Should parents wish to have private time alone, babysitting service is available at a fee.hahahahahaha
Sounds like a dream.
However, this perfect room has to be the deal-sealer for our little family:

Best tak? Ada king bed for the parents, a loft bed and also a sofa bed that opens up to a double bed. I could just see my kids go CRAAAZY over the loft bed! :)
The real attraction for me, however, is the Universal Studio, Singapore. Since Khaleeda is of the right age to be experiencing theme parks, plus the nearest Disneyland is much further than Singapore, I thought this would tie the vacation up quite nicely.

- Far, Far Away - Revolving around the theme of Shrek.
- The Lost World - Divided into Jurassic Park and Water World. Dinosaurs and all things water, what else could it be?
- New York - Experience the Big Apple.
- Sci-Fi City - Welcome to the city of the future. :)
- Hollywood - Hollywood Boulevard, here we come..
- Madagascar - Meet the casts of Madagascar; Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria and join in some fun with them in the dense jungle of Madagascar.
- Ancient Egypt - Pyramids and sands, eh?
Guess we'd have to wait just a little while longer. Bukak je Universal Studio ni, you knowlah where we'll be heading to.
Can't wait!
-dillz blogging out-
Can't wait!
-dillz blogging out-
Eh, bukan Universal Studio dah bukak ke? hari tu dah kluar kat news..
akak .. pas akak gi saya kompem gi!!
i will followwww youuuu
I'm going in June, since my HK trip is postponed (thank you paip pecah!!). The Festive hotel looks inviting but I have to check with my rombongan cik kiah whether ok or not.
hahahaha this is great! now i have 2 sources of info!
Setahu saya yang bukak 20 Jan tu are the 4 hotels. Since I am not expecting any invites to go to that Crockford Towers, choices are left only for the three other hotels. hihihihi
Eh, Kalau betul Universal Studios dah bukak. Saya nak pergi!!!!
Hard Rock Hotel hari tu macam mana? Best tak????
Harus sih. Lepas pergi aje musti kluar satu review! ;)
In June? Bestnya.... The whole clan is going eh?
Come back and do up a review for our benefit, ok?
your source oso my source la.. hihihihihi
K.Dilla... kitorang pon 'intrigued' by all the hype. When are you going? We'll wait for you review hehhe ;)
yup, k.dilla... we'll eagerly wait for the raves.
dok plan nak gie eversince hubbs mentioned the place :)
the reservation only upto 3 months in advance. I don't wanna go until that Universal Studio is open. Just keeping my ears peeled for that. Will update kat sini, definitely! Watch this space, ok?
I'm sure by then you dah habis pantang. hihihihihi..
wah, baca blog k.dila baru saya tau... nak pegi jugak...!!!
bestnye ada universal studio, harus nak kena pergi ni, i'll wait for ur review dulu lah.. :)
*adnil9 dgn netbook baru :D*
jom kita pergi ramai-ramai..:)
nanti aku review, ok? BTW jeles ni, korang dah dpat netbook!
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