Khadra was selected to participate in Huggies Ultra launch that features a toddler ballerina in their newest campaign. So, few girls from her ballet class were chosen to run around in their diapered costume for the launch. Quite an interesting experience for me, though.. Even took leave specifically for it!
The event was held at Kid's Zone in Damas - Khadra and Khaleeq's resident play gym. So, she was quite comfortable with the surroundings. We were told to come in early at 1pm when the launch was scheduled at 3pm. I soon discovered why. The kids just froze and didn't want to run in tippy-toed as previously practiced in class. Waa... Stage fright? After a while and some coaxing from the mommies who ran alongside them, they got just a tiny bit better. :) To keep the kids happy, they were allowed to play on the slides and later retreated to an activity room for some drawing and colouring. That kept them busy while waiting for the VIPs to arrive.
The launch went very well, infact and the kids were even treated to ice-cream afterwards. They had to come in for the final photo session when my Khadra exclaimed,
"I have to work AGAIN?" so matter-of-factly.. heh heh heh
-dillz blogging out-