Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Cari Jodoh

Couldn't stay away for too long. Told you I would make a cameo. Yes, my plate is still very full but I had to find some time to post this, even though it is currently at 3:59 in the morning. *I am up to do up my report. Sad, innit?*

Anyhoots, this was shared by a few good single friends who just came back from one of their travels - this time it was from the island of Sumatera. They were off gallivanting to Padang, Bukit Tinggi dan kawasan-kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya. Apparently, ini lagu paling ngetop di Indo sekarang...

For your sake, *you know I love you*, I googled up the video on youtube (eh, bolehkah google di you tube? senang-senang, search di youtube, lah..) dan inilah hasilnya... Click here if you can't see the video *Kalau dah kena block tu, tengokla kat rumah karang.. jangan la click jugak.. *

Untuk lebih feel, disertakan juga liriknya..

Cari Jodoh by Wali

Apa salahku apa salah ibuku
Hidupku dirundung pilu
Tak ada yang mau dan menginginkan aku
Tuk jadi pengobat pilu
Tuk jadi penawar rindu
Tuk jadi kekasih hatiku

Timur ke barat selatan ke utara
Tak juga aku berjumpa
Dari musim duren hingga musim rambutan
Tak kunjung aku dapatkan
Tak jua aku temukan
Oh tuhan inikah cobaan

Ibu-ibu bapak-bapak
Siapa yang punya anak
Bilang aku aku yang tengah malu
Sama teman-temanku
Karna cuma diriku yang tak laku-laku

Siapa yang mau bantu
Tolong aku kasihani aku
Tolong carikan diriku kekasih hatiku
Siapa yang mau

Back to *, **, ***

Ibu bapak punya anak
Bilang-bilang aku aku yang tengah malu
Sama teman-temanku
Karna cuma diriku yang tak laku-laku

Back to ***

Amacam, ada best? Kinda has a catchy tune, eh? Could blardy well give the new millionaire Tomok @ Shah Indrawan a run for his new single, me thinks.. hihihihi *I love the new Tomok brand, btw- i voted for him!*

And now, on to the commentary:
Thing is, if you try to disect the lyrics, it's so typical of our culture, innit? Okay, since my plates are still full, I shall only comment on the following two verses, ok?

"Bilang-bilang aku aku yang tengah malu. Sama teman-temanku. Karna cuma diriku yang tak laku-laku."

Like sedih tak? Why should you be embarrased for being single? Isn't life grand, as it is?And wouldn't jodoh come when it is time? Ngapa nak malu, weh????

For example, these two man(s) I was talking about. They are a pair of 30+ year-old single guys who have a job that pay them good money. They have all the freedom to leave and gallavant around the world *USof A, Thailand, Indonesia, Europe, among others* with no ties, no strings and no restrictions to do whatever the hell they want. No kids' school, logistics, homework, wellbeing, tantrums to think about should you suddenly decide to go off to have a week's holiday in Krabi, for example. All the extra cash that doesn't go to their monthly tuition fees *Oh, don't get me started on their schooling fees* The not having to worry about what your other half would think, his feelings, his makan, minum, etc. Just to care about you, and you alone. I mean don't get me wrong.. Married life is great. But, getting married is not the end-all. With your partner for life and children, also comes great work and great responsibilities *I mean, you can not just decide one day that you are sick and tired of your children and return them for your money back - there's no money back guarantee, dude* I am just saying that being single has its perks too..

"Pengumuman-pengumuman. Siapa yang mau bantu. Tolong aku kasihani aku. Tolong carikan diriku kekasih hatiku. Siapa yang mau"

Ni lagi satu.. Kita ni (can I please be general here and mean the masyarakat) mesti nak sibuk nak match make kan orang kalau tau dia single. And I am not just talking about the makcik-makcik at kenduris here. I know for a fact that my single friends loathe (yes, loathe is a mighty strong word. And I mean it!) to go to kenduris for fear of the 20-questions from the busy-body makciks.. Thing is, I can also be one of the makciks sometimes. *Sorry.. Aku tak sengaja* It's like it's already ingrained in our head that everybody wants to get married, needs to be married and has to stay married. And we shall not rest until everyone is. Mengapakah? I know perfectly happy people who are not married. Single, loaded people... Think about that..

P/S: This entry is especially dedicated to the two somewhat good looking, single man(s) who shared with me the song.
P/P/S: Tidak, tidak.. Bukan aku tak tahu bahwasanya plural untuk man adalah men. man disini merupakan nama kawan-kawan ku *bukan nama sebenar* yang single yang baru balik berjalan sakan itu. Harap maklum.

-dillz blogging out-


Mimy Hamid said...

kak dila x tahan gelak...aduh liriknya terus terang bangat...sian nya dia...ahahahhahahahahaha..adoi mau dengarin lagik tp ngapain asyik gelakin...heheheh

Anonymous said...

kena dengar kat rumah. eh, quite a long entry for one who's plate is full..


dillz... IMHO, ko nye blog template nampak semak. susah nak baca what you wrote. jgn marah aaa...

Anonymous said...

Damn... lucu banget kok liriknya...
hahahaha.... :-D

dillazag said...

mimy --> kesian mamt tu.. dok mimpi kat model comel tu, nasib baik dapat gak akhirnya!! :)saya pun tak larat dah tahan gelaks..

lana --> yes, missy. please do drop by when you are at home. you'll like it. me promise!

dillazag said...

noresh --> ye ke? ni mesti background and menda alah tak habis load. so akhirnya the white background for the body tak appear.. *sheesh* kena carik background less serabai la macam ni.. tunggu no.. jangan malas datang lagi.. strain la mata tu kasi nampak.. kalau tak reload la beb..hihihihihihi..

dillazag said...

anon --> glad you liked it.. ;)

ajezack said...

hahahaha.. aku soookaaa.. aku nak print lirik lagu ni kat belakat t-shirt aku la..hehehehehe

dillazag said...

Aje -- hahahaha.. Glad you appreciate it.. ;)

D.N.A.S said...

I also know 2 man(s) who fall under this category. Tak habih-habih mintak tolong kita carikan dia bini. Dah naik rimas dah.
Harus saya dedicate lagu ni kat diorang.

fifi said...

kak..silent reader here..
i'm single also and seriously klu ada event kenduri2 ni..mmg klu taubat tak nak..tak tahan telinga dgr soalan2 killer tu..


haaa... now much better!

dillazag said...

kalau mau mp3 nya, saya juga bisa e-mailin.. hihihihihi

thanks for reading and finally commenting. :) have a good life, dik. pedulikkan aje apa orang nak kata.. :)

aku rasa background makin serabuts.. hahahaha

the principal said...


kalau 10 years di saat masih single, mesti kak emy nangis baca post ni, kalau gi karaoke nyanyi lagu ni, dlm kereta dgr lagu ni....syahdu kan? Now dah 10 tahun kahwin, nyanyi lagu lain, dengar lagu lain tp kesyahduan ttp sama - hutang kereta, hutang rumah, balik kpg siapa, makan kat mana....semua tu issue sekrg..

Kak Emy ada sorang kahwin, 28 years old still single mingle, senegeri ngan hubby awak...Interested? Call her agent-me...

the principal said...

Hmmmm...dok ingat kahwin je, kawan pun jd kahwin...takkan nak kahwin lg kot?

dillazag said...

OMG Kak Hemy, this song is so berhantu it is playing in my head constantly. Pastu terbayang-bayang muka mamat tu.. hahahahaha

Pasal client you tu, nanti saya tanyakan. agent calling2 sama agent maaa... hihihihihihi

kucingorengemok said...

tq for the link! i'm honoured :)

Azrul said...

parah siot lagu nih....

dillazag said...

kucingorengemok --> No hal. I love to eat too and I heart your blog. ;)

Azrul --> Memang parah. Tapi sticks to your mind like a leech! Layan dangdut, bung!!!