Remember this sweet girl with beautiful curly locks which reminds you of Goldilocks from that fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears? My daughter, Khadra, right? Yup, that one.. Believe it or not, but she was born with ruler straight hair and all that changed after our Australia trip back in 2004. She was about 10 months then when suddenly this beautiful curls started developing. It wasn't the afro type, carca marba, curl chaos - it's the other type; really big, clear, glamourous locks that you'd pay a few hundred bucks at the salon for. Needless to say, her hair has been a major topic since then, especially so since that the girls in my family never had those kinds of locks! AND, in fact when I was pregnant with Khadra, my mom was secretly praying for a grandchild with nice curly hair. So, imagine when this actually happened, we were pleasantly surprised - we wanted her hair, full stop!
For the last 4 years, Khadra had only made one trip to the Indian barber's place - to shave her head bald after her aqiqah when she was just a little tot. We were just afraid that the locks will disappear should we cut them. We have really been trying to preserve the locks eversince; up to the extent of not combing her hair after her hair wash! So, imagine our surprise when she demanded that we cut her hair and make it straight last Wednesday. :(
I have seen it coming for a few months now. She'd just remark on passing that she doesn't like her hair... She wants her hair to be straight, not curled.. How she loved my straight long hair and how she wants hers to be exactly like mine... You know, typical girl stuff - teenage girl stuff; definitely NOT 4 year old girl stuff.. I always try to reverse psycho her , saying how I loved her hair, pointing out all the glamouros Hollywood celebs with beautiful curly locks not unlike her own on the idiot box and the trick seemed to work for a while. Until that fateful Wednesday.
She was so adamant about wanting to chop her locks off that day that she even asked me to use 'that blue scissors you use to cut Khaleeq's hair'. (Okay, okay, I trim Khaleeq's hair using that blue scissors.. Only the bangs though, 'coz it was starting to get in his way!) I could see that she really meant business that we made a trip to A Cut Above in MidValley that very day after work. The haircut was RM35, but she gets her hair trimmed by a junior stylist and sit on that blue cat and all.. I decided to let her enjoy the full experience and agreed to pay the extra RM10 for wash and blow as well.. It was kinda cool seeing her acting all grown up. She was okay during the hair cutting phase. A little apprehensive during the wash phase and practically agitated when the stylist tried to blow her blouse and her hair dry. heh heh heh Aaah.. How fast my little girl is growing up... And here's her little chronicle:

I must say it turned out rather nice, it takes a little getting used to.. but still rather adorable. With that little China doll bangs, she can now pass for the Azlul clan -- sebijik macam my mum, siut!!!
-dillz blogging out-