-dillz blogging out-
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Dubai ... DO BUY... (Part ONE)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Heading Back Home
But I missed my kids too damn much.
Utilizing the free wi-fi in Dubai International Airport.
Be back in Kuala Lumpur in 12 hours or so.
Good-bye Dubai. I'll see you soon...
-dillz blogging out-
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Busy Times Ahead
Busy making preparations and completing the hand over notes.
I meant SUPER-busy.
Off to Dubai on the 19th.
Will be back on the 24th.
Second honeymoon la babe... ;)
-dillz blogging out-
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bluey & Barbie Bikey
Khaleeq Goes to School
Birthday Galore
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Khadra's Concert

THREE: A custom made Thai princess costume for The King & I. This particular costume was tailor-made by the teachers at school. FOUR: A kebaya for her Tiru Macam Saya and Waktu Semalam Bung.
I can't for the life of me remember each and every song that she sang in the show but she really sang each one of them wholeheartedly. I could hear her voice distinctly every time and her expression is just so priceless. Even Marlia Musa commented that she loved Khadra's expressions. (Yes, her kid goes to the same school as Khadra) Here's a little sneak peek on her Tiru Macam Saya on youtube, courtesy of Kira. Just let the whole thing load up first before you actually play it one shot, okay?
During the Awards presentation, Khadra won the Best Artist award and us lot got a bouquet of flowers for helping out with the backdrop. :) Later, there were lotsa food for everyone. Everybody goes home a winner, and I can't wait for the next concert preparation!

-dillz blogging out -
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Creative Cats

From Sound of Music:
The backdrops were painted in by the other parents and teachers but the finishing was mainly done by yours truly. You know, the shading, the borders, the 3-d effects and other details. Of course, I also had help from my hubby and Kira. We came in a few Saturdays before we were finally pleased with the results. Kira did the details on the Siamese grand entrance and Azrul's proudest masterpiece is the hilltop drawing from the Sound of Music.
(see below)
Turned out rather nice, didn't they?
-dillz blogging out-
Monday, January 08, 2007
Moving On
*from my other blog at Dilla Speaks Out
Concurrent with the new year, I have moved on to:
See ya and don’t be a stranger eh?
-dillz blogging out-
Great News to Start the New Year
Wake up girl, wake up...
We've got the car and I have the pictures to prove it!
-dillz blogging out-
Moving Right Back In
I just got tired of staying in the same place for too long. Hoping that it'll be a good move for everybody's sake. ;)
-dillz blogging out-