Saturday, March 20, 2010

She's finally here..

Been waiting for this baby the whole day. And she's finally here... :)

Like The K-E-K, I am an employee of the said Telco too and these kind of staff deal really is an icing on the cake. :) We are only paying RM10 ontop of my current Broadband subscription for the next 3 years. That makes it just RM360. Seriously good deal, right???
Anyways, I promised Khadra that she could be the "owner" of the netbook. Hopefully this would also encourage her to go to school without much drama. ;) She's been asking me about the netbook's arrival eversince I submitted the application form. *Serious* She's that excited. Her first reaction when we opened up the package was, "WoW!!"... Really put a smile on my face, that did.. :)
I hope to be blogging more diligently with this. So chic and small and lightweight. Kalau ibu travel, bolehla ibu pinjam, kan kakak? hihihihihi
Sudah-sudahla tu. I was supposed to set it up aje. Now I need to siap-siap for a celebrity wedding tonight. hihihihi.. So excited.
*this entry was brought to you by the new HP mini. Tq.
-dillz blogging out-


tahilalatdikakiku said...

hi dilla...just got mine too..cute sangat kan..bestlah khadra dpt new toys ni...

Amy said...

Alah, naper gambar kotak..nak tengok gambar betul..(demanding sungguh reader akak ni)

KS said...

wahh.. boleh tulis entry byk2 lepas ni hehehe..

The Momster said...

lepas ni rajin2 update ye... hehehe...

*peringatan untuk diri sendiri, eventhough takde netbook. :P

dillazag said...

mmg kenduri laptop la staff TM. hahahaha :)

nanti saya ambik gambar Khadra / Khaleeq / Khaleeda tengah surfing, ek? :)

dillazag said...

KS and momster,
tools dah ada. time yang kirang. hihihihihi.. *alasan*

Anonymous said...

K.Dillz, bestnyee!!! utk ex staff TM bulih tak? hehehehehe


dillazag said...

Kirim salam.....

kaezrin said...

kan kan...kenduri mcm naik tanduk to do the same for the other 2 accounts..:P

dillazag said...

mine dah rosak... LCD dah pecah sebab my son gi pijak!
nak ganti is rm1500. great!