For the benefits of my lil sisters who have been harrassing my Kak Long to upload the 11th addition into the Zaghlol clan.

Lil H at ZERO day old. (Name yet to be decided, but I am calling him Husayn for the time being) Personally, I think he is a mixture of Naz's nose, Naqib's ears, Teyta's mouth, Neyna's eyes and Illa's chin. Somehow he reminds me of Haikal - Illa's 3rd born. hihi.. Funny how that adds up.
He was born on 22 December at abt 3.53pm at 2.9+kg. Didn't quite get the stats to the tee, but OK la tu...
He was born on 22 December at abt 3.53pm at 2.9+kg. Didn't quite get the stats to the tee, but OK la tu...

There's the proud mummy (note the collarbone, 'yall) on Day ONE already facebooking while breastfeeding. hihi...
Welcome baby Husayn (?)...
Welcome baby Husayn (?)...
-dillz blogging out-
ehhh? i thought u dah lama gave birth? is it a new one? isk isk soweyyy... i have not been following ur blog religiously hehheheh... i better read now.... cos i thought u delivered when i was 4mth++ pregger...
Nomy --> Ni yang susah kalau muka photostat dengan muka kakak ni... That's my sister's boy la Nomy.... hihihihi..
And yes, my baby dah 13 months old dah.. You got that one right, my dear..
Finally!!! OMG!! He is very henskem!! Hihi yeap chin chin gang pls!! welcome to the club lil H ;) Thanks Kak ngah! hihi i cant wait for Ibu to come pulak!! :P
omygodd comelnyeee diaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! so bigggggggggg hihihihii and kl sooo kurussssssssss!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait to meet baby husaynnnnnnn!!!!!
ewa --> memang sah la satu geng chin peng. Sama dengan mak de dgn aweewa dia. Dah sebelas , lepas ni dua belas. Eeh.. Your turn, la my dear.. Hihihi
Ems--> lets hope we could keep calling him Husayn.. Hihihi
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