Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Now… Should I Freak Out?

*from my other blog at Dilla Speaks Out

My ex-maid, Lidiya has been sms-ing me after we sent her off early this month. Asking about the kids and how she misses them. I guess it is hitting her hard, more than my kids. I guess these kids have shorter memory span.. Once the people are no longer around, they tend to be forgotten. No matter how close they used to be. But, us adults.. we remember for a long time.. much much longer..

SMS 1:

Assalamualaikum wr wb hai khadra dan khaleeq apa kabar skarang, ayah dan ibu sdh bawa jln balas ya

My Reply SMS :

Semua sihat2 shj. Khadra dah sekolah semula. Khaleeq jatuh dan dijahit didahi. Baru shj jatuh lagi - berdarah di hidung. Lidiya sms alamat di sana, ya.

SMS 2 :

Alamat saya, RTX RWX Desa S******* Batu layar S******* Sambas, KALBAR - INDONESIA, 7XXXXX. Bibi Khadrayg baru sdh sampai/belum? lidiya krm salam dg NORMAH & MUTIBAH dg MAK LANGKAWI.

note: The address has been changed to avoid from any papparazzi stalking my ex-maid.

My Reply SMS :

Bibik parmi tiba hari sabtu. Mak, normah pun kirim salam sama lidiya. Mek kelantan ada di rumah abg amran. Lidiya sihat?

So sweet, right? Wait for it, wait for it… After a few days, my hubby received an sms from the same number. This is what it said:

SMS 3 :

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Bos azrul hari ini khadra sekolah tak, macam mana keadaan sicomel yg luka kemarin itu, apa sdh baik? Bibik lidiya rindukan khadra, khaleeq mamanya juga. Balas ya

Weird? I thought so too. Hubby told me about the sms as he was getting a little uneasy with the ‘direct’ contact. It’s not that she doesn’t have my number. The first two messages were sent to my mobile. Truth be told, it’s the "Balas ya" that really got to me..

But hey.. maybe there’s nothing to it.. She knows that my hubby is the one who picks up Khadra from school. Maybe she wanted to convey a message that I didn’t get in the first two smses. Like she wants to come back and waiting for us to invite her over, or something like that. (Give me a break, I am trying to be positive here..) or maybe she wanted to test my hubby’s reaction - whether he would tell me or not. (that positive vibe didn’t last very long..)

So, we decided that I should reply from MY mobile - just to set the record straight.

My Reply SMS :

Khadra sudah mula sekolah semula minggu ini. Khaleeq sudah menari dgn Wiggles. Sabtu ini dah boleh buka jahitan. Lidiya bila nak dtg ke malaysia semula?

She didn’t reply. OK, no biggie.. All is well…

Then suddenly, we Azrul received a missed call from her again this morning. What do you make out of that?

So, now… should I freak out?

-dillz blogging out-

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