*Updated 1 October 2009 1:50pm*
Ahhh... Stress balik. A comment from KOG prompted me to make additional research on the WWW and got me to this:
fr harakahdaily.net : Bolehkah puasa Qada' dan Syawal digabungkan?
Here's another interesting take from Soal Jawab Puasa:
أن النافلة لا تؤدى قبل الفريضة
"Sesungguhnya amalan sunat tidak boleh ditunaikan sebelum amalan fardu"
-dillz blogging out-
*Original post 30 September 2009 1:24pm*
I have heard many answers to the question:
Some said it was permissible to niat for both at one go.
I am thinking that may be some of you are having the same doubts as me, so I'd like to share this knowledge (Thanks Raz for sharing) from this very helpful link: Double Intention in Shawwal Fasting from Islamonline.net
Extracted from the webpage:
Moga-moga tiada lagi sebarang ragu di minda.
Wallahu 'alam bissawab..
-dillz blogging out-
Ahhh... Stress balik. A comment from KOG prompted me to make additional research on the WWW and got me to this:
fr harakahdaily.net : Bolehkah puasa Qada' dan Syawal digabungkan?
Namun secara cermat beliau (Ustaz Zaharuddin Abd Rahman) membuat kesimpulan dalam mengutarakan perbincangan ini iaitu adalah tidak elok digabungkan dan elok sangat didahulukan yang wajib (qada) daripada sunat (Syawal) tetapi menganggap sebagai rukhsah "keringanan" bagi mereka yang mempunyai kesukaran kerana uzur dan tidak mampu untuk mengasingkannya.
Here's another interesting take from Soal Jawab Puasa:
Didalam kes mengadha' puasa dan melakukan puasa sunat 6 hari didalam bulan Syawwal, ulama berbeza pendapat yang mana satu harus dilakukan. Beberapa ulama' berpandangan bahawa Tidak sah amalan sunat sebelum melakukan qadha'. Mereka menggunakan kaedah :
أن النافلة لا تؤدى قبل الفريضة
"Sesungguhnya amalan sunat tidak boleh ditunaikan sebelum amalan fardu"
Akan tetapi, jika terdapat masa yang sangat pendek (takut tertinggal peluang menunaikan puasa 6), berbanding dengan puasa qadha' yang banyak; seperti didalam kes wanita yang panjang haidhnya, dibenarkan melakukan puasa enam hari didalam bulan Syawwal, dan kemudian mengqadha'nya sebelum menjelang Ramadhan yang akan datang. Syeikh Ibn Utsaimin mengatakan ini merupakan pandangan yang lebih kepada kebenaran. [Sharh al-Mumthi' 6/448].So, how now?
Kesimpulannya, bagi puasa sunnat yang mempunyai fadhilat umum (seperti Isnin-Khamis), jika ia bersamaan dengan puasa sunnat yang mempunyai fadhilat khas (contohnya puasa sunat hari Arafah), bolehlah dilakukan niat yang khas (Puasa Arafah) bagi mendapatkan ganjaran puasa Isnin-Khamis sekali. Bagi Puasa qadha' yang dilakukan pada bulan Syawwal, dia boleh berniat qadha' dengan harapan moga2 mendapat juga fadhilat berpuasa didalam bulan Syawwal. Jika seseorang itu berniat puasa sunat, maka tuntuan qadha' masih tidak terlepas dari dirinya. WA.
-dillz blogging out-
*Original post 30 September 2009 1:24pm*
I have heard many answers to the question:
Is it permissible to niat for both sunat Syawal and puasa qada' for the missed days in Ramadhan ?Some said that we have to qada' all the missed days before you are entitled to fast the sunat Syawal on the counts of you have to dahulukan yang wajib.
Some said it was permissible to niat for both at one go.
I am thinking that may be some of you are having the same doubts as me, so I'd like to share this knowledge (Thanks Raz for sharing) from this very helpful link: Double Intention in Shawwal Fasting from Islamonline.net
Extracted from the webpage:
From the late Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr, former head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee -
A person who has missed days of fasting in Ramadan may fast the optional six days of Shawwal with the intention of both making up for these missed days and observing the optional fasting of six days of Shawwal. He or she will then get double benefit simultaneously: making up for the missed days and getting the reward of fasting the six days of Shawwal, for it is established in Islam that one's acts are judged by one's intentions.
However, it is recommended that one makes up for the missed fasts separately from fasting the six days of Shawwal [so as to get extra reward].
Moga-moga tiada lagi sebarang ragu di minda.
Wallahu 'alam bissawab..
-dillz blogging out-
Dah paham? Jadi, marilah beramai2 kita berposa 6 Syawal..
Dila, TQ for the referal to my blog.
No Probs.
BTW, saya dah start puasa dah - got 2 days already.:)
ada 2 pendapat, boleh/tak boleh... kalau kat malaysia, ustaz haron din/ustaz zaharudin/ustazah masyitah sependapat kena ganti dulu... just fyi.. wallahualam
Tq kak..been asking myself the same question.
alah... dah confuse balik...
saya dah confuse balik.. tulunnnn!!
Hiksss... alamak, sorry, hehe. tapi better la make a fully informed decision kan :)
saya buat asing2. tp kdg ngelat niat/posa yg sunat dulu then baru nk ganti yg wajib sbb syawal is short just in 29/30d.
sokay.. sokay.. at least i've gotten a discussion going in here (and in my head) hihihihi
i think i'll just go with niat ganti je. :) Kalau dapat sekali sunat syawal, alhamdulillah.. BONUS!!
When I do do it, taking into account that we can drop dead any time, I strike a deal with the powers up there -- tak tau valid ke tak, tapi saya insan yg lemah hor... -- that so ok... I'm confused with the many pendapats, so God, this is meant for the 'puasa 6', but if I die b4 I sempat ganti habis, then please kindly convert/consider that as for ganti sekali. Hehe. Wamakaru wamakarallah, wallahukhayrul makireen... for Allah is the best planner of all. Wallahu'alam. One tries. *shrug*
che nah,
after all that, I only managed to get 3 days je.. hihihihi..
*one tries too*
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