Been a little tied up these couple of days. I have been diligently hitting the books, don't you know? :) I am sitting for the final installation of my CIA series. (It's the Certified Internal Auditor exams, if you don't already know) Already sat for parts I, II and IV within this last year and before I knew it, the expiry date for Part III was nearing. *Sheesh* Knowing me, kalau tak paksa, memang la tak buat. So, me and Linda sneakily registered for Part III some 6 months ago just to make sure that we would be forced to sit for it by year end. hihihihihi
So, I had no choice, but to make some time to study for it, walaupun busy yang teramat sangat. There are 380 pages of content to read, and of course to attempt the online questions. Insya Allah, cukup lah preparation untuk exam. I actually had the awareness pretty early. We (Linda and me) even met up at the office on fine Saturday to study together-gether. Semangat tu... Siap bekal Hot Grande Toffe Nut Latte sorang satu and some pastries / bun/ cheese cake from The Loaf. :)
So, I had no choice, but to make some time to study for it, walaupun busy yang teramat sangat. There are 380 pages of content to read, and of course to attempt the online questions. Insya Allah, cukup lah preparation untuk exam. I actually had the awareness pretty early. We (Linda and me) even met up at the office on fine Saturday to study together-gether. Semangat tu... Siap bekal Hot Grande Toffe Nut Latte sorang satu and some pastries / bun/ cheese cake from The Loaf. :)

So, do send some great luck along my way. I sure need them. Tak tidur lah malam ni nampaknya... ;)
Updated : 15 December 2010, 7:24am
I am already back at the grindstone. Managed to finish a whole segment before I went to sleep this morning at about 4.30am. Thanks to my bottle of Tazo, loud reading, multi-coloured pens and highlighter and the frequent twitter and fb breaks. :)
Decided that I needed the sleep more than anything, so I succumbed to my bed. I did promise to wake up early and try to finish at least one segment (consisting of 30 or so pages) before we go off to Khaleeda's presentation. Apparently, we need to be there by 10.45am. Namun, masih sempat download BloggerPlus to blog from iPad. :)
When I went to bed this morning (for a measly 2 hours plus) I could swear that I was trying to slot 7 more segments of 30+ pages into the day. Esok dah nak exam,wei. Sempat ke ni?
Ayyoh! Stress aku! Hihihihihihihi
Updated : 16 December 2010, 8:24am
I got word yesterday that my colleague did not make it through the exam semalam. Dah kata dah. Part 3 ni susah... :(
Memang saya pun down giller. Tapi, since memang fees pun dah bayar, baik pulun je la... Do my best and see how. At the very least I have gone through the studying part. And if ditakdirkan saya pun menerima nasib yang sama, next time around boleh concentrate on the questions pullok. Makanya, decision is to just bulldoze sahaja and do as much and as best as I can.
Dapatlah tidur 3plus hours this morning selepas memulun. Status sekarang -
Completed reading (sometimes speed) 324 out of 380 pages.yang tak terbaca is Section E about Information Technology.
Online questions dah siapkan Sections A, B and D. Started on C. Yang tinggal to do are: the Post test, Sections C and E.
Memandangkan dalam waktu yang getir sebegini, Imma skipping the rest and concentrating on the online questions this morning. Kalau sempat karang, high speed reading lah apa-apa yang patut sebelum masuk exam room at 12 pm today! :)
I really need the luck! Sat lagi, berita suka atau duka, saya update. ;)
-dillz blogging out-