No, it's not my birthday.
Not our anniversary either.
If you could believe it, am actually blogging from my new E71. Not good at it yet, but not too shabby either..
Guess I won't have that many an excuse not to update, then, huh?
Meet the man who made it all possible..

Thanks, hun.... You know I love you..
-dillz blogging out-
awwwwww xoxo! hahahaha
wehhhh bestt, tapi apasal tak amik blackberry terusss?? congrats anywayy!! saya pun nak kawin ahh, nak dapat hadiah sokmooo. hihihi
btw ive started blogging sikit2, tgk tgk jenguk jenguk la yea :p
Done. Siap comment lagi...
Your iphone is the bomb la diks..
Kawin la cecepat sikit... Tak sabar nak dapat sorang lagi BIL. hihi
alaaaa nak gak pls??? after spm? sape nak bagi? :P
Dilla - hehehe tak sangka I pun baru dapat the exact same phone from my cik abang. Tapi tak reti nak gunalah for wifi. macam tak boleh connect je...
ki -- cuba lelong kot2 ada yang sudi. Hihi
K spena -- samala kita... Seronoknya.... Btw, problem u tu senang je nsk resolve... You suruh dia scan wireless lan, pastu connect. I hv to upgrade my connection to unlimited 3g, barulah perpetually online. Hihi
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