The whole family was at our humble abode the night before. Since it was a spontaneous plan, we ended up having rice with chicken korma (courtesy of Illa) and Parmi fried loads of chicken with a plate of omelette and sambal belacan at the side. Not very fancy, I know.. We ended the night with a happy birthday song and me cutting the obligatory birthday cake. (Had chocolate cheese cake this year which was absolute yum!)
Azrul treated me to a birthday lunch at Victoria Station. We had the usual Indonesian Oxtail soup and Chili Spare Ribs. The birthday girl decided on Lobster Thermidor as a special treat. The food was good but the ambience was better. Since ours was a late lunch - the 3pm crowd was almost non-existent. The kids were really having a time of their life, running around the restaurant and acting like their grandfather owned it. Since there were no other patrons at that time, we just let them enjoy driving the train and going round and round the coach for the umpteenth time.
Speaking about Coach... Have a look at my brand new find and salivate! 
My very own Bleecker Flap Leather Duffle bag. I love you, Azrul... Maybe another one next year? heh heh heh
-dillz blogging out-
happy birthday!
melium group brands tgh sale. i tgk at cole haan byk yg cantik / mampu dibeli lah..syg super-broke now.
Dear Dilla,
Happy Belated Birthday, and I guess it's not too late to wish you and your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR (it isn't too late actually - coz' it's Ma'al Hijrah today!)
Hope 2008 will be a more meaningful year for all of us, insya Allah.
That Coach - I LIKE - very much! :D
Take care.
kay --> I memang tgh aim nak beli kasut cole haan ni *they have nike air technology, don't you know. saw it on oprah one day* but maybe not this time round. me also super broke already. no more splurging on me stuff.. lain kali la pulak , babe.. *tahun depan, ke.. lepas bonus, ke..* heh heh heh
K shana --> thanks , sissy.. :) happy new year to you too.. That Coach I lagila LIKE. heh heh heh
Happy Birthday! Sonoknyee..Coach bag lagi! *jeles* *jeles* *jeles*!
Hehe..may 2008 be a good year for us 33'ers huh?
happy birthday dear! semoga makin meriah dah murah rezeki. love your bag!
ko memang minat coach, ek? last year ke the year before pun dapat coach for birthday. it's good that azrul knows your taste. ke ko yg pilih tapi dia yg bayar?? nyehh.. nyehh.. nyeh...
YMY --> 33ers Rock!!!!! :) Tq for the wishes
Noresh --> Thanks, babe.. Macam nak buat tradition barulah dengan bag Coach ni.. Setahun satu.. wakakakakaka Sudah semestinya aku tak bayar.. nyehh nyehh nyehh
belated bday wish for the lady.
*drools at the coach bag* i hardly drools over handbags - more over shoes but this one is nice. lucky u.
here's to many more wonderful birthdays ahead. muahs!
Inn --> Thanks hun. Right back atcha! ;)
Happy belated birthday. Wallawei, Coach gitu. Canggih, canggih...
happy birthday..
sorry lambat, i always tetinggal kapal lah. :P
This is SOO belated! But HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!! May all your wonderful wishes & dreams come true & may this year bring lots of joy & blessings!!! Stay hip & happening!! ;)
Along --> Thanks babeh.. Tak sengaja.. Ingatkan tak nak apa-apa tahu ni.. heh heh heh
Shell --> Takpe.. Tertinggal kapal, naik kapal terbang.. Laju sikit, boleh catch up! Btw, good luck, babeh.. It's pretty near now, right?
Yan --> So sweet of you.. Thanks, sist!
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