Thursday, January 26, 2006

Catching Up With Friends

*from my other blog at Dilla Speaks Out

I miss talking to my friends.. When was the last time you had a good old hearty laugh– not the puny little thee hee hee laugh.. I am talking about the BIG one with your stomach muscles cramping whenever you laugh. Well, we just had a few of those last night.. With the company of Zachy, Emelia, Azmir, Noreen and their newborn baby Asya Aleeyah. (What a beautiful name for such a beautiful baby! Grow up quick honey, Khadra and Khaleeq can’t wait to play with you!)

It makes me realize that I have missed it ever so much and I am really not spending enough time with my friends. Why is it that we only meet up for some sort of occasion? Someone’s wedding… Somebody’s engagement… So-and-so’s daughter/son’s aqiqah… (as for this particular meet up) A tahlil… A birthday party… A kenduri arwah… My question is.. Why do we need a reason to meet up? Why can’t we just meet up for the sake of meeting up and having a good old belly laugh?

I do believe that we have to attend these occasions in order for other people to come to your occasions. You know what I mean? Like if you don’t go to people’s wedding kenduris, no one will come to your wedding kenduri. (Thank God I am already married– but then again, I need those points for my daughter’s wedding kenduri, you know..) Kinda like what goes around comes around. If you don’t bother, then people won’t bother either. My dad used to lecture me on this when I was younger.. (maybe since the past 10 years) Me and my hubby never used to really bother about it, but over time.. As we get older, we realize that we do not live alone in this world and we need our community and friends… So, we make the effort.. We try to make it to every invite we get. We make it our priority. Hence, we go to occasions…

For me personally, I am just gonna blame it on my MBA. (The Usual Suspect! - can’t resist it.. It’s just too easy) We hardly have enough time as it is and catching up with friends didn’t seem to be too high up on our list of priority.

Coffee talk? I have to study for my exam. Maybe after the MBA…

Watch movies? Later la.. Got presentation to prepare. After the MBA, la..

Hang out? No time la.. Got so much assignment to do. After MBA, ok?

So, friends.. Get in touch with me after 18th February 2006.. I would love to catch up.. Zachy, Emelia, Azmir and Noreen — thank you for last night!

-dillz blogging out-

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