Back after 3 years. And what an apt reason to start writing again, I have something to share. #sharingiscaring
I have recently discovered the "Solat Tree" online and had begun using that for my two middle kids - Khaleeq and Khaleeda - last week. The concept is easy enough, the Solat Tree consists of a tree with 7 branches, each branch representing a day in the week. Each branch has 5 leaves, clearly marked for the five compulsory solat of the day. I wanted to train my kids to keep their solat, so this was what I did. I introduced them to the Solat Tree last Tuesday night and asked them to colour the first branch according to these rules:
1. Colour the leaves of the solat that you performed GREEN
2. Colour the leaves of the solat that you missed RED
So, after that exercise, Khaleeq had two reds and Khaleeda had three red leaves. To make matters more interesting, we collectively agreed that they will get to open a reward for getting 30 leaves green this week. With that in mind, we started to strategize.
I asked them the reason why they missed their prayers and if there were any way for them to make sure they can perform their prayers within the stipulated times. They said it was possible, so we deviced ways of doing so. Khaleeda for example has many activities after school, so we came up with specific strategies on how and when to perform her solat. For instance, she has gym class at a nearby community hall at 1pm. So, she plans forward and makes sure she brings her kain telekung, sejadah and slippers to practice. Takes her wudhu' before class starts and stops for a while after warmup to pray Zohor. We decided to setup a little prayer corner by the hall as the dedicated surau was quiet and a bit scary for little girls to be in alone. So, I had to help her figure out the kiblat direction that day and set up the sejadah ready for her. The point here is that I wanted to facilitate, we were trashing out issues so that they are able to keep their solat complete. Khaleeq had issues with Zohor as his school finishes in the evening. By the time he gets home, it would already be almost Asar. So he came up with the strategy to pray during lunch break, i.e around 1.45pm at the surau near the canteen. On days that he has sports, he would have to bring along his jubah.
As I shared this on my instagram feed (follow me if you hadn't already (@dillazag)) and Facebook, people were asking where I got the Solat Tree from. I thought to myself, "Hmmm.. maybe I should just redraw this and distribute" So here we are right now. I did just that - this is how my version of the Solat Tree:
Please feel free to save this and use it. The pdf version is also available - just email me to get it ok?
can i have pdf solat tree.
TQ for your deeds. I hope Allah will reward you each time my sons use it. InshaAllah.
Kakngah..i want it tq!
Can email me the pdf version?
Thx for the ideas ;)
Kak Dilla,
Saya nak jugak. Tq.
-A TM staff :)
Pls send to
-A TM Staff
Thanks for sharing. Can you please send the pdf file please?
As salam,
Can you email me the solat tree please?
Tq kak dilla. Sharing is caring kiskiskis
Plz start blogging again heheheh
Thanks for sharing Dilla. I dah copy & print the Solat Tree. May Allah reward you for your kindness.
Thanks for sharing. Can you please send the pdf file please?
I think this is my 11th trying to post here :). Tak reti. Tapi saya tak putus asa nak juga PDF copy.
Kak Ngah tolong email ek
Assalamualaikum sis dila.. Thank you for sharing. Would love to have the copy in pdf too. Can you email me at Tq so much for your good deed. Aamiin.. 😘
Salam Kak Dila, can u plsh email to me too?
Salam Sis Dilla,
Thank you for sharing your work. May I have a pdf copy of the solat tree, please? You can email me at
Thanks again!
hi sis can i hve it too?
Sis do u mind share the solat tree pdf to my email
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