As D.N.A.S has very correctly pointed out, it is already the 5th of January of 2009. I have yet to publish any post in this glorious new year. Not that I didn't want to, you see... In fact, I had wanted to start with the new year tag by none other than my faveret makcik blogger but that requires a hefty Cut 'n Paste procedure that is not all that easy to do via my E71. So, I ended up not posting any entries in the end. (watch how swiftly I try to put the blame on someone else - hihihihi.. Jangan marre D.N.A.S) Nanti balik opis, insya Allah I buat tag tu, okies.. Jangan serik tag saya..

Anywho, am glad to update that Phase ONE of the spring cleaning project comprising of the Master Bedroom and part of the living room is nearing to its close. May I add that it was quite a successful project, despite the full few days of Bermalas-malasan.. Hihihi.. (boleh buat lagi, ni...) Phase TWO will commence this Saturday and this will involve everything related to the kids - toys, clothes, books and stuff.. I really think we have too much junk in the house and it is high time that we sort them out once and for all...
For a change, we had our New Year break in the city this year.
I have noticed that he would normally get his dad to wash him in the loo, fix his Omnitrix, ask for cold water or 100 plus and he even prefers to sleep by his daddy's side at night. Things are slowly getting better, though. In fact, these past few days, Khaleeq has been hugging me in bed! Hihihihihi...
So, I am very pleased with how things have turned out and seems like we are starting the new year on the right foot. Just hope that more good things will come our way.. And you too, may you have a happy new year..
-dillz blogging out-