- The traditional rivals - coxless four skull boat race between Oxford and Cambridge.
- The sponsors' race - dragon boat race between TM and Deloitte.
- The inter alumni - coxed four sweep boat race between Oxford and Cambridge and Harvard.
Kinda stressful for us since we needed to defend the Challenge Trophy we won last year. This year's crew mainly consists of the old folks who are still in TM (we lost Izrin to Bangladesh (work), Muzairy to Germany (studies), Lambert to BAT and Mugun to an undisclosed company) plus new recruits from other 50 Top Universities and not to forget some new (read: young) muscles who are in their early 20s. Yeay! More power to the people!!
Practice was much less than last year since the rental for the boat has gone up slightly. We only managed to go down to the lake 5 times (inclusive a mock race with the good people of Putrajaya Holdings).
The actual day itself was too sunny for my liking. Dang, it was hot!!!! This year the scull and sweep events ran for about 1.5 km and the dragon boat race was only between the two sponsors. I kinda wished that we got to row twice , macam tak puas...
Anywho, the results?? As usual, Oxford won all the university races. And more importantly, we once again kicked butt leaving Deloitte trailing a few boats' length behind. Woo-hoo!!! TM Boleh!! After the prize giving ceremony, we ate lunch and everybody went home a happy camper.
Personally, I am looking forward to a nice lunch with the guys and also the Boat Race Gala Dinner. Till next year then...